South Georgia–incubator of Subantarctic life.

Gold harbour: we have just entered a David Attenborough film set. Words escape me and I try to keep my eyes dry. Is this a dream ?
I have picked a few shots below, there are more than 500 on my camera today. I am sure there is thousands more amongst the 53 passengers and privileged landing party out of the 22 staff as we all shoot away at this photographer's eden.
For us first explorers (today anyway) we land to greet the local citizens.
Some of the locals are mildly interested  with our arrival, others remain huddled in their groups or are enjoying a good old snooze.
Kids, being kids enjoy a bit of rough and tumble.
Life anew, with a sinister predator seeking a taste of it.
Moulting penguin feathers float away on the shore line.
Waste not, we all like our feather down bed.
Others remain aloof atop their high and mighty perch. Living on the outskirts is a much better way, city life is too conjested.
We ask, and get a pose: kids,  smile for the camera.
Ruffian teenager, transition  almost complete for adulthood.
No escaping our mortality.
Lets have some fun, the penguins were frolicking on the shore waves.
Curious: kids will be kids whatever the species, but it’s game over I’m sorry !
Reluctantly we have to leave.
For more more photos and a map overlay see:

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