A bleak reminder of our sullied past in Deception Island.

Deception Island is a semi active volcano, its last eruption was in 1968/9. There is a a sea entrance where we enter into the crater of a volcano, which is  still simmering away with some steam rising like the smoke of the last embers in a doused fire. We dug our toes into the sand on the beach and felt the warmth.
No paddling today as it was too windy, and the offerings of the shore trip visit exceeded any that might exist via a paddle anyway.
There are a few whale bones scattered on the beach: a macabre reminder of the whaling era. 
Graveyard for humans as well as whales.
Huge rusting  tanks along with collapsing buildings to keep a memento of a time that we would like to forget. Is it a rubbish tip or history? Personally it’s the former for me  – maybe another eruption will clear things up and provide judgement.
These boats were heavy duty affairs, well suited for the rough seas and shores of this area.
The birds find the debris as an ideal spot to shelter their nests. We need to be careful and remain distant so as not to upset them, on approach, this bird got up off its nest and walked away to its partner – a bit of a strange move I would think as predators would soon learn that it was a ploy and enjoy an unprotected nest with its rewards.
Plenty of birdlife of many different varieties on this shore.
I loved watching the birds frolicking in the breaking waves. We are not the not the only ones to enjoy body surfing.
Deception island is a bleak reminder of our past, yet wonderful in its dramatic structure of the crater covered in patches of snow. The birds show that life can prevail in its hostility. Saddened as I was with the animal killing field, I appreciated the visit.

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