Austria - the hills are alive with the Sound of Music

It would be remiss to visit to Austria without visiting the city made famous by The Sound of Music, whether that be by Rodgers & Hammerstein or by the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Caroline's dream to see Salzburg has been fulfilled and I was happy to be part of it.
I watched The Sound of Music with Caroline last night to get in the mood for Salzburg. As good as it is, was not for me when it comes to doing a tour. Caroline however wouldn't miss it so she went and thoroughly enjoyed it.  In the mean time I hired a bicycle and ventured out into the countryside.

The cycle paths are extensive and in excellent condition.

I headed off to some lakes near St Gilgen and Mondsee.

The lakes are lovely and clean.

I passed a museum with a plane outside labelled Red Bull.

The Red Bull headquarters however, are nearby in a more lavish dwelling nearby, but the plane and bronze bull are manage to capture my interest.

I thought that there was a road all round the lake and followed it dutifully around its perimeter.

However it was a goat track on the latter part. The better part of valor conceded defeat and also the realisation that I am going to be in trouble for being late home. Luckily there is a ferry across the lake, and luckily someone was there to assist in translating the timetable.

The unexpected ferry ride was quite a pleasant addition to my trip and a welcome reduction to the alternative back tracking.

The bike trip was a lot of fun, quite a bit longer than I planned (not that I planned it). I visited a beautiful area with cycle paths taking me across rural areas, the lakes and some well kept interesting villages.

My nickname is Pickle, because I am always in trouble - you guessed it I got in to trouble. I was home in time for the concert tonight (just)  so what is the issue ? The Red Bull had a Red flag ...

A while ago I wrote a letter to our minister suggesting that the storm water drains should be diverted to proper treatment plants instead of simply entering the bay or rivers as the case may be. Austria is a marvellous example of how a country can manage pollution and remain profitable. Most people have stated I can drink the water directly out of the lakes and I believe them. Riding round the country and city there are low levels of litter. Some good reading on the web: , or.

Music breathes life here and has done so for hundreds of years. It would not be a visit to Salzburg unless we attended a classical concert, and one featuring the famous Mozart.
We had a meal in a grand hall, which was excellent of course, 

and the music - excellent of course - bravo !

I have quite a collection of Mozart et al recordings. They are nothing compared to a live production, especially in a centuries old building with the cream of talented professionals.

Salzburg is very much a tourism financed city. It is well worth visiting.  With its castle protecting the city, the many churches (get used to those tolling bells), classical music pouring out of its skin and the cuisine there is not not much to dislike except perhaps he crowds in the early evening.

You can spend a lot on stylish clothes and other accoutrements of society if you desire. We were just happy to look and feel poor.

I also spent the early morning whilst my beloved caught up on some extra zzzz's clambering up to the castle above. Caroline elected to catch a lift up later.

The walk was rewarded with a splendid aerial view of the city and nearby countryside.


Both Caroline and I like cooking and participating in a cooking class in various countries. There just happens to be a strudel cooking class in town so how could we resist making one of my favourite desserts ?

I am not sure whether we will remember all the details on what we did, but it was a lot of fun at the time.

We both agree it is the best strudel we've ever made !

We are reminded which composer that this city reveres quite frequently:

and there are lots of old buildings, museums and sculptures to enjoy.

Many of the churches are quite ornate inside.

Another concert sees us spell bound with the emotion and soul applied by this musician to his performance. He has a centuries old violin and plays it to its limits.

Courtesy of Caroline:.

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